Welcome to the Classi Installers Club!
We are thrilled you wanted to join our community of installers from across the UK and Ireland. Once you've filled in the form below, your welcome silicone will be in the post and on its way. We love to get feedback on our products, so please let us know what you think when it arrives.

What do you do now?

Fill in the form below

Wait for your free Silicone to arrive

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Two ways to win:
Every month we give away £200/€230 of vouchers to members of the installers club who send us their best installation pictures featuring Classi products. It's as simple as that!

Take a picture, send it in, and have a chance to win!
Entries can be made in these ways

WhatsApp pictures of your Classi installs to the WhatsApp number.
Post entries on
Facebook using

or on Instagram using @ClassiWaterproofing

Winners will be picked monthly where £200 of Amazon vouchers will be given away. Classi will either give the full prize pot to one entrant or split it between multiple.
Previous Classi Installers Club Winners!